Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Power of Gold

I've been itching to hit Penny Arcade Expo next year. I went there in 2007, and it was a fine adventure; the sense of community made me feel warm and snuggly. Finding a space for people who share my identity is important enough for it to be a recurring theme here. The city of Seattle has a hold on me. It's beautiful, the weather's just right for this Chicago girl, and it reminds me of Canada. If I could find a Tim Horton's, I'd be forced to join the many homeless living on its clean, poorly-lit streets.

Serendipity, then, that I found out about the Gender Odyssey Conference, located in the same city, happening in the same convention center, occurring over the same 3 days. Splendor! What a coup, should I be able to fit both into a weekend. The perfect fit for the weird mish-mash of personal transgender diary and vague videogame rant that this has become.

Now, the trick is to secure the funds for transportation and lodging. Maybe I'll stay in a hostel this time!

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