Saturday, November 16, 2013

Midnight Reflex

What to say.

It's been a couple months.

My face is making progress - sometimes I look in the mirror and I feel kinda okay, and sometimes just a glint of my reflection incites a raw nerve pain.

My girlfriend? I don't know. I'm so bummed. A friend, wiser than I in the ways of love, tells me the moment your should get out of a relationship is the one where it starts making you feel bad about yourself. I think we blew past that point a while back. "I love her, but sometimes she makes me feel so rotten." Wanting to touch someone who so often shrinks from my affection is too much. I'm done. I've got nothing left.

I broke my phone.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this now? Is it the midnight reflex (title drop!) that compels me to bleat my innermost thoughts to the caring, beautiful vacuum that is Neue? This is fucked up. I wish I had this level of intimacy with any real person, oh dearest blog.