Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Perplexing Nightmare of Flesh

A recent Google search just yielded unexpected gold. The string in question: "just because a guy likes to".

"It seems just because a guy likes to listen to songs by Utada Hikaru, Ayumi Hamasaki, and some other songs which are kind of girly SUDDENLY I'm gay? WTF?"
"Remember though just because a guy likes to go south, it doesn't necessarily mean he likes to 'go south'."
"Just because a guy likes to wear kitchen gloves and is obsessed with dolphins doesn't mean he's a friend of Judy, Damon Beres! GOD! Can't we just respect the porpoise's majesty while simultaneously waging war on dishpan hands?"

"Just because a guy likes to collect presidential memorabilia doesn't mean can't appreciate a lap dance"
"Just because some of us enjoy different things does not mean we're less responsible or mature than you."
"Just because a guy likes to wear wife beaters doesn't mean he's a jerk that beats his wife...does it???"

Actually, after looking at that haul, I kind of bummed myself out. Most results were gay jokes ... and I was searching for this specific phrase so I could construct a Twitter post like: "Just because a guy enters a committed, loving romantic relationship with another man doesn't make him a queer."

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