- "If this shirt doesn't stink, I'm not gaming hard enough."
- That guy's shirt? Drenched in sweat. - Gus Mastrapa looks like a flattened Alan Moore.

- Inexplicable Lil' Jon Noises
- Chris Kohler: "Games journalism needs an old guard"
- Mastrapa: How can journalistic outlets find a non ad-supported product to sell?
- Pat Klepek looks like that one kid from Freaks and Geeks.
- Klepek: "Clicks is juice, fool"
- Karen Chu: "Think more"
-Web 2.0: now that all this user-created info has been generated, what to do with it? How can you analyze it or make it more useful?
- This guy majored in 'Informatics?'
- KChu: "It's easy to write a one-star review and be an asshole"
- Kohler: "You don't have to be the one definitive review."
- Sweaty shirt guy has finally dried out.
- Creepy British Asian guy just announced that he's started a magazine. I kind of hate him, but I admire his shameless self-promotion.
- Really, why should you care about games journalism being taken seriously?
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