Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dr. Social

So, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.I've been playing it for the past few days, and it is a Fire Emblem game. It's a remake in the most regressive possible sense: imagine the plot and gameplay of an NES game, now on your DS! The graphics are ugly, and the game has large holes where modern innovations have been excised for nostalgia's sake.

Worst part is, I see myself beating FE:SD in advance of better, more deserving games. Fire Emblem is such a lazy game. It's in perfect rhythm to play while watching TV or riding the train. Each turn takes a couple minutes, and any sense of urgency dies when I inevitably need to repeat a level.

Fuck. I feel really bad about playing this game now that I've put all of this effort into trashing it. I did the same thing with Fallout 3, playing it for ten more hours after I realized I hated it. Bad Game Stockholm Syndrome?

I really want to write a story, like, actual fiction. Gotta get to it, figure out where to start, maybe hide my DS from myself.

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